2017 Kundalini Mantra Compilation

2017 Kundalini Mantra Compilation

The 2017 Mantra Compilation includes 9 unique music tracks for a variety of kundalini mantras.

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About this release

The 2017 Mantra Compilation includes 9 unique music tracks for a variety of kundalini mantras. Great for teachers in need of specific mantras as well as listeners to grow their collection of meditations.

Track List

  1. Ajai Alai (Radiant Body Meditation)
  2. Har (Prosperity Meditation)
  3. Har (Madhur-Nain Meditation)
  4. Humee Hum Brahm Hum (3rd Chakra Meditation)
  5. Sat Nam, Wahe Guru (Praan Naadi Shabad Guni Kriya)
  6. Wahe Guru (Meditation for the Neutral Mind)
  7. Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio (Clear Your Karmas)
  8. Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio (Release Cold Depression Meditation)
  9. Waho (x10), Guru (x10) (Meditation for Guidance)

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