When you purchase a digital item on madhurnain.com, you will receive an email with download links. Please check your spam folder if you are not seeing this email. If you never received an email, but believe your purchase went through, email us.
Please use a desktop or laptop computer to redeem your downloads. We DO NOT guarantee any downloads will work on phones or other mobile devices. Due to limitations with iPhones, music downloaded on an iPhone will not be added to your music app. You must instead download the music on a computer, and then sync that music with your phone. You will need the iTunes app to do this.
Once you are logged into a desktop/laptop computer, click the download buttons in the email you received after purchase. These buttons will take you to a Dropbox link. Use the grey "Download" button to get a direct download. You DO NOT need to save your digital items to a Dropbox account, and you DO NOT need to sign-in to Dropbox or have a Dropbox account to download your items.
See the image below for an example of the download button you will see.
We recommend dragging any music or audio you have purchased into the iTunes app on your computer. You can also use most other software that plays MP3 files. However, with software other than iTunes, you may not see album artwork or track data listed properly.