Interlace your hands in Venus Lock at your heart center, keeping your elbows relaxed. [Venus lock connects the negative and positive frequency to bring balance to you].
Eyes are closed. [Closing the eyes creates darkness which affects the action of the pineal gland which gives us the sense of vastness and wholeness, a sense of belonging and connectedness. Stress creates a fragmented self which makes us feel separated and alone].
Interlace your hands in Venus Lock at your heart center, keeping your elbows relaxed. [Venus lock connects the negative and positive frequency to bring balance to you].
(Mantras are tools to bring the mind into focus and connect the subconscious and conscious mind which brings change)
Humee Hum Brahm Hum
Translation: We are we, we are God (Yogically G.O.D. means Generate, Organize and Deliver or Destroy).
This mantra teaches us how to let go of what we believe to be true in our mind to what we can change in our lives. Chanting this mantra creates a feeling of being connected to something bigger [That which we can’t see, hear or touch].
11 minutes. To End: Inhale, hold your breath asses how you are feeling and exhale (repeat 2 times) Relax.