Have you ever found yourself looking at someone who has achieved what you want in your life and thought, “That could never be me,” or thought that they must have some special quality that you don’t possess?
The truth is, who you are is equal and worthy. You are an aspect of divine intelligence seeking expression in physical form, and how you choose to express in this lifetime doesn’t affect how incredibly worthy you are.
But it is also true, that what you believe about yourself will dictate your life experience. It affects which risks you’re willing to take, or if you’re willing to put yourself out there. Whether that be applying for a job, asking someone out, or actually going for your big dreams.
If you don’t think you’re worthy of those things, chances are you won’t even try.
Today we’re talking about how we can develop a true sense of self-worth.
Our guest is Monica Rodgers. She believes we can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants us to be.