8/8 Segmented Breathing

8/8 Segmented Breathing

For Calming & Centering the Self.

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Hands in Gyan Mudra, thumb tip touches index finger tip and the other fingers are straight.

[This stimulates the ability to understand your inner knowledge and wisdom which invokes receptivity and calmness].


Eyes closed and focused on the 3rd eye between the eyebrows and up one inch  between the eyebrows and up one inch.

[This activates intuition and stimulates the pituitary gland].


Hands in Gyan Mudra, thumb tip touches index finger tip and the other fingers are straight.

[This stimulates the ability to understand your inner knowledge and wisdom which invokes receptivity and calmness].


(Tools to bring the mind into focus and connect the subconscious and conscious mind which brings change)'

Silent Mantra

Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung – is a Siri Mantra mantra, which is for healing.  The sound current combines energy from the earth elements and Ether to heal and bring balance to your inner self.


In-hale in 8 Segments
(with Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung – 8 parts)
Ex-hale in 8 segments
(with Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung – 8 parts)

[Inhale and exhale into little sniffs. The breath pattern is meant to relax you and stimulate particular nerves which activates the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve supports the nervous system].


Inhale deeply three times and sit quietly for 2-3 min. and notice the experience you created, experience you.


video instructions


8/8 Segmented Breathing

8/8 Segmented Breathing

$ 2.99 USD
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3 Min. + 7 Min. + 11 Min. + 22 Min. + 31 Min. timings included

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Meditations for the Vagus Nerve

Meditations for the Vagus Nerve

$ 9.99 USD
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11 Min. timings included

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