Every January 1st, I pick a new meditation to practice every day for the entire year.
read more...The message of Kundalini Yoga and setting your own path.
read more...Ever wonder what your brain looked like on meditation?
read more...What does it mean to really be thankful in life? What are the tools to get you there?
read more...Are you looking for a certain something that will make everything okay? Something that will make life all better? Something that will remove your pain and suffering? I am sorry to say that this is not something that you can find on a shelf or from another person. However, you can still obtain what you seek: it’s found within yourself.
read more...October is my birthday month. In the tradition of my mother’s teaching of giving to others when it is your birthday, I would like to gift you with some knowledge.
read more...Imagine if you lived your life without basic hygienic matters like washing your hands, brushing your teeth, or changing your underwear. Within a day, you would start to feel dirty: sticky, stinky, and soiled. (Forgive me for being blunt, but it’s part of the territory when you have two sons!) Filth can and does coat our bodies if we do not take the time to cleanse ourselves.
read more...Maneuvering through the intricacies of relationships can be complicated, but the most complex relationship has to be the one between parent and child.
read more...Even though I have practiced meditation my whole life, I sometimes experience this reluctance, too.
read more...When forging an inner connection with the self, mantra is an important link. Because of the sound currents it creates and the rhythm that is followed when chanting aloud, we are able to look into ourselves and understand our brain and mind on a deep level.
read more...American’s have this value that everyone can be rich and famous but if you look closely the smaller print says “but not you and you and you”. There is an issue with both sides of this thinking. Yes you want to dream big and yes not all dreams become reality for everyone. The trick is the energy behind your dream and the power behind it.
read more...Communication is one of the top issues my patients are looking to work on. The communication usually stems with issues like… “My partner/mother etc. doesn’t understand me, they don’t want to listen and we fight all the time... or we just don’t talk about our feelings.”
read more...Parenting by far has been one of the most challenging lessons in my life, and it’s a lesson that keeps on giving. In the Process, I have learned that Life is wonderful and un-perfect all at the same time. That being said, I know I would be a nut job if I didn’t meditate.
read more...Stress creates internal damage throughout our entire body. Overtime, this turns into chronic anxiety and habitual emotional illness. A great tool to combat stress is through meditation.
read more...Stay young and feel young with meditation. What? That sounds too crazy and amazing to be true. But it is true! During a recent research study, UCLA studied the minds of adults in their 50’s and learned that their brains are 7 ½ years younger than those who don’t meditate.
read more...The healthy benefits of Meditation has everyone talking these days. From doctors to psychiatrists; medical professionals are finally prescribing meditation as a way to cure illnesses and manage pain.
read more...Here are 9 reasons to meditate to strengthen and heal your vagus nerve. The trick is you have to do it daily for at least 40-90 days to notice a significant difference.
read more...Stress creates internal damage in every part of your body and over time it turns into anxiety and habitual emotional illness. This is why society has in increase in anxiety because we don’t use the tools to calm our stress before it turns into chronic anxiety. Creating a meditative state through focused breath or chanting can reduce stress and anxiety.