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Intensity is not truth


A friend of mine — who is a master of Kundalini yoga and meditation — once said this to me when we were having a conversation about mental health. While discussing what people find important in life, we explored how being passionate can influence our thoughts. Ever since, I have regularly returned to this statement and contemplated its implications.The truth is one of two options: based on facts or based on experiences.

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Managing Everyday Stresses & Triggers


Staying Neutral in life! What does that mean? It means “don’t lose your shit.” So many of us snap on a daily basis, from being cut off while driving, to a comment made by a colleague; reactions can be set off by small events or even thoughts. Snapping and losing your cool can be unhealthy adding stress to your body, self, and mind due to your glandular system overworking itself. This also affects your life and relationships as well.

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Bringing Courage to Life

“It is not the life you live; it is the courage you bring to it.”

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Prosperity through the eyes of a yogi or the American Dream?

American’s have this value that everyone can be rich and famous but if you look closely the smaller print says “but not you and you and you”. There is an issue with both sides of this thinking. Yes you want to dream big and yes not all dreams become reality for everyone. The trick is the energy behind your dream and the power behind it.

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Yogic Tips to Boost Communication using Zodiac Signs


Communication is one of the top issues my patients are looking to work on. The communication usually stems with issues like… “My partner/mother etc. doesn’t understand me, they don’t want to listen and we fight all the time... or we just don’t talk about our feelings.”

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Healthy Shame

We prefer not to walk through life feeling bad about ourselves. Although at times in our life… shame is a good thing.

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Do you take responsibility for yourself?

We often want others to take care of us and then are mad when they don’t, and sometimes mad when they do. This is when we need to learn to Self-governance ourselves.

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Parenthood Meets Meditation

Parenting by far has been one of the most challenging lessons in my life, and it’s a lesson that keeps on giving. In the Process, I have learned that Life is wonderful and un-perfect all at the same time. That being said, I know I would be a nut job if I didn’t meditate.

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The Power of 5 Minutes

Stress creates internal damage throughout our entire body. Overtime, this turns into chronic anxiety and habitual emotional illness. A great tool to combat stress is through meditation.

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Dealing with Pain in the Present Moment

“How do you stay in the present moment when the present moment is sickening, sad, painful, or any horrible thing?” 

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Stay Young & Feel Young

The Brain

Stay young and feel young with meditation. What? That sounds too crazy and amazing to be true. But it is true! During a recent research study, UCLA studied the minds of adults in their 50’s and learned that their brains are 7 ½ years younger than those who don’t meditate.

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Discovering what you want in life

Do you know… really know what you want in life? I ask because, a handful of my patients manage to tell me things they don’t want in life, rather than what they do want in life. If we live life in the mindset that we don’t have control over things that happen in our lives, we get stuck in the mindset that we are indeed the victim. This makes finding what we do want in life a struggle.

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Why Should you Meditate?

The healthy benefits of Meditation has everyone talking these days. From doctors to psychiatrists; medical professionals are finally prescribing meditation as a way to cure illnesses and manage pain.

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The Power of being Content

We as a society are always trying to be happy. Most often the number one goal I hear from clients is “I want to be happy”. In response, I ask them “What does happiness look like to you?” This turns into a longer and deeper conversation.

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Anxiety, Therapy & Meditation


There are over 40 million people (between the ages of 18-54) in the United States alone suffering from Anxiety. I personally think it’s double that because most people are not seeking help until it becomes worse and then it becomes a different issue… a health issue with health problems. Anxiety is when one loses their own vitality, juice for life, and fear takes over.

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A Good Relationship


The trick to a good relationship lies within… communication and action. I think loving someone is easy because most of us can see the good in others. The relationship is a combination of our behavior towards ourself, the other person and the relationship. There is the me, the you and the we.

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Do your life choices lead you to happiness or feeling empty?

Understanding the difference between short term and long term gratification can be the doorway to truly understanding our own happiness and how to achieve it.

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Fear is triggered by anxiety… Change it with vitality


Wow there is a lot of fear in our society these days, it is masked as anxiety. If you can let go of your fears and feel safe you will find your vitality. The way you can is by centering your inner self through meditation and raise your vitality.

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Meditation creates deep rest in 5 minutes or less


Stress creates internal damage in every part of your body and over time it turns into anxiety and habitual emotional illness. This is why society has in increase in anxiety because we don’t use the tools to calm our stress before it turns into chronic anxiety. Creating a meditative state through focused breath or chanting can reduce stress and anxiety.

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Why the vagus nerve is so important!

Here are 9 reasons to meditate to strengthen and heal your vagus nerve. The trick is you have to do it daily for at least 40-90 days to notice a significant difference.